Monday, December 28, 2009


Today was TB test result day. We started with (as usual) a big breakfast: congee, scrambled eggs, "fried milk" spring roll (like a spring roll with custard inside), bacon, mandarin orange, yogurt, potatoes, and two slices of watermelon. Then I had... After breakfast we always stop to watch the fish in the pond.

We had to meet our Holt representative at 2:00 so we took a walk around Shamian Island. Originally it was a beach that the colonial interests: British and French built into an enclave where the Chinese were not allowed. A canal was dug between the beach and mainland and two bridges built. In succeeding years, various nations built counsulates here. Today the US and Poland missions remain. We tried to have an ice cream at the Rose Garden Restaurant (even though it was in the 50's) but they took so long to scoop ice cream, we had to leave before it came out. Good thing they had Chun-Chun's hot milk out right away.

Back at the medical clinic, Chun-Chun's TB test came out positive. In China, at the age of two, all children are given a TB innoculation. That means that since they have been exposed to the virus, they will always test positive. Fortunately, her chest x-ray came out clear so we are in good shape (So there! Mean old CDC!). The sad thing is that some families haven't faired so well on this point and the CDC refuses to develop a policy to help families. You can find them all over the internet - another thing to write to your representatives in congress.

To celebrate we took a walk to the Kow Lun (sp?) bridge and Lisa and I had an adult beverage and Chun-Chun had orange juice at the Victory hotel. We got back to the White Swan very late for Chun-Chun's nap.


  1. My goodness, your daughter has a healthy appetite! So glad her chest x-ray was clear. We really enjoy reading your interesting blogs and love the pictures!

  2. Hi Lisa and Gary- We have been following your journey to Chun Chun and remembering ours just a little over a year ago to our Gui Gui (Gracie- Pearl's neighbor). Chun Chun is just beautiful, and we're glad she is warmng up. We chuckled about your plane experience- we had a similar experience with our screaming daughter!!

    I did want to post about the TB though. Our oldest daughter also had a positive skin test, clear chest xray. The CDC recommends a TB drug called INH for 9 months- treated as inactive TB. Audrey has taken INH for almost 9 months now and is fine. We recommend crushing the pills and delivering in some yogurt!

    Good luck on the rest of your trip- and congratulations on your very sweet and brilliant new daughter!
    Cate (Sue's neighbor)


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